With so many Malthusian crazies out there this is not just a musing from Matt. The oligarchic billionaires at places like the WEF and think tanks want to reduce the population and rave like lunatics about farming causing too much pollution. Be alert!
I am using an often repeated number used in the count of civilians who rose to fight the Brits in the Revolutionary War but I would estimate that 3 % number remains true for today. It will be 3% that are the doers and thinkers and creators that will lead the fight to survive against the tyranny that currently is choking us into submission. The remainder will perish or be the Quislings. My wife and I are in our 70’s but well prepared. I have all the munitions and stores to last 3 months and can trap and fish to supplement food stocks. But essential meds, of which I require to survive will run out after 3 months should we live under siege. And so we may be better off than most in austiere conditions reality says we will not outlive conditions experienced in the Siege of Sarajevo.
And Americans should learn about that Siege and the experiences of those that survived it. It will save some of their pitiful hedonist lives.
Don't know your circumstance but understand that medicine expiration dates are established by lawyers and accountants not by doctors. It is very expensive to push the expiration dates out into the future. Military has done some experimentation on expiration dates of drugs for which they have large stockpiles. Bottom line is most drugs gradually lose effectiveness but are viable way past expiration dates. If you are dealing with the stupid Medicare 3 months at a time rule, it is possible to game that by fudging two weeks at a time or getting an extra prescription and paying cash.
A practice I use today. And I buy drugs that insurers limit quantities. I know all the tricks to get needed RX quantities and my doctors know a few themselves. Nonethless, those of us with organ transplants know Darwin will knock on the door when our immunosuppressants run out.
Check out keto/carnivore diet to improve health & some people say they reduced or end need for meds. Might also want to up that food storage to a year, in case you survive past the end of the meds. Seeds for the following years, too.
The first few lines of the article, by a taxi driver. Not yours.
I had a very memorable and thought-provoking passenger a while back that I never wrote about because while I found him fascinating, he seemed a little too political for what was always intended to be a fun blog to read and some cheap therapy for your humble driver and writer. But in light of all the scandals that have erupted lately and the EpicClusterSharknadoFuck that is ObamaCare, I have been thinking about a few things he said to me, so I’m going to commit them to paper (or pixels), if only for my own reading. So if you just want to read about moron drunks and belligerent whores, skip this post…
"They" know all this even if the urban dweller doesn't. "They" will use this to their advantage. And that's just part of the reasoning I used to relocate two hours from any real city.
I enjoy your writing. Many thanks for making it available.
Our fake affluent and luxurious lifestyle propped up by both federal and personal debt gives a false sense of security.
The second debt creation stops the entire house of cards will collapse.
Mass chaos will begin in the cities quickly spilling into affluent suburbs with unprepared soft citizens being butchered as they await a non existent police force.
Normalcy bias will be the downfall of the majority of the population.
Excellent article. People take so many things for granted. Articles like yours flip the lights on for sure. All of humanity faces potential calamity, much of which is out of our control. However, we can put ourselves in better situations.
People forget the past fairly quickly at their own peril. In Japan, Tsunami Stones are placed at the point a particular tsunami reached and they are placed all along the Japanese coast. A professor from Tohoku University, Fumihiko Imamura, says:
"It takes about three generations for people to forget. Those that experience the disaster themselves pass it to their children and their grandchildren, but then the memory fades,"
And that about sums up general apprehension also. There are cyclical natures to many things and you're flying blind if you don't pay attention.
When I was in high school, I recall a teacher telling us that it was impossible for the stock market to crash again, his explanation was something like "systems are in place." OK, I intuitively didn't buy it, but I remembered his statement. In 1987 in remember telling a friend, who was an economics major, that something was up with the stock market, he scoffed at my observation. I even started to cut out articles about it and taped them in a notebook (I still have it.) The crash happened. I had no formal training, but I saw it coming. The same with the Vaxx. I'm not an immunologist, but taking an experimental vaxx, with shady mRNA technology that shortened the life of the lab animals...no.
Some people just "see" things and have organic, analytic skills.
What you and Michael Yon are warning about is probably going to happen to some degree, in the least.
Would Covid/KungFlu be a human buffalo jump event more recent than Smyrna? Death spread out far more than falling off of a cliff, but the fear mongering & channeling of people looks pretty much the same.
With so many Malthusian crazies out there this is not just a musing from Matt. The oligarchic billionaires at places like the WEF and think tanks want to reduce the population and rave like lunatics about farming causing too much pollution. Be alert!
I am using an often repeated number used in the count of civilians who rose to fight the Brits in the Revolutionary War but I would estimate that 3 % number remains true for today. It will be 3% that are the doers and thinkers and creators that will lead the fight to survive against the tyranny that currently is choking us into submission. The remainder will perish or be the Quislings. My wife and I are in our 70’s but well prepared. I have all the munitions and stores to last 3 months and can trap and fish to supplement food stocks. But essential meds, of which I require to survive will run out after 3 months should we live under siege. And so we may be better off than most in austiere conditions reality says we will not outlive conditions experienced in the Siege of Sarajevo.
And Americans should learn about that Siege and the experiences of those that survived it. It will save some of their pitiful hedonist lives.
Don't know your circumstance but understand that medicine expiration dates are established by lawyers and accountants not by doctors. It is very expensive to push the expiration dates out into the future. Military has done some experimentation on expiration dates of drugs for which they have large stockpiles. Bottom line is most drugs gradually lose effectiveness but are viable way past expiration dates. If you are dealing with the stupid Medicare 3 months at a time rule, it is possible to game that by fudging two weeks at a time or getting an extra prescription and paying cash.
A practice I use today. And I buy drugs that insurers limit quantities. I know all the tricks to get needed RX quantities and my doctors know a few themselves. Nonethless, those of us with organ transplants know Darwin will knock on the door when our immunosuppressants run out.
Stay safe. I know this a problem with diabetes but haven't thought about immunosuppresants. Consider looting whrm TSHTF.
Check out keto/carnivore diet to improve health & some people say they reduced or end need for meds. Might also want to up that food storage to a year, in case you survive past the end of the meds. Seeds for the following years, too.
I read this years ago, written in 2014. I cannot speak to it's veracity, but he seems to be on the same page as Matt.
I wrote it, it's included in my collection of essays and short stories. Links etc are at the bottom.
The first few lines of the article, by a taxi driver. Not yours.
I had a very memorable and thought-provoking passenger a while back that I never wrote about because while I found him fascinating, he seemed a little too political for what was always intended to be a fun blog to read and some cheap therapy for your humble driver and writer. But in light of all the scandals that have erupted lately and the EpicClusterSharknadoFuck that is ObamaCare, I have been thinking about a few things he said to me, so I’m going to commit them to paper (or pixels), if only for my own reading. So if you just want to read about moron drunks and belligerent whores, skip this post…
"They" know all this even if the urban dweller doesn't. "They" will use this to their advantage. And that's just part of the reasoning I used to relocate two hours from any real city.
I enjoy your writing. Many thanks for making it available.
Our fake affluent and luxurious lifestyle propped up by both federal and personal debt gives a false sense of security.
The second debt creation stops the entire house of cards will collapse.
Mass chaos will begin in the cities quickly spilling into affluent suburbs with unprepared soft citizens being butchered as they await a non existent police force.
Normalcy bias will be the downfall of the majority of the population.
Excellent article. People take so many things for granted. Articles like yours flip the lights on for sure. All of humanity faces potential calamity, much of which is out of our control. However, we can put ourselves in better situations.
People forget the past fairly quickly at their own peril. In Japan, Tsunami Stones are placed at the point a particular tsunami reached and they are placed all along the Japanese coast. A professor from Tohoku University, Fumihiko Imamura, says:
"It takes about three generations for people to forget. Those that experience the disaster themselves pass it to their children and their grandchildren, but then the memory fades,"
And that about sums up general apprehension also. There are cyclical natures to many things and you're flying blind if you don't pay attention.
When I was in high school, I recall a teacher telling us that it was impossible for the stock market to crash again, his explanation was something like "systems are in place." OK, I intuitively didn't buy it, but I remembered his statement. In 1987 in remember telling a friend, who was an economics major, that something was up with the stock market, he scoffed at my observation. I even started to cut out articles about it and taped them in a notebook (I still have it.) The crash happened. I had no formal training, but I saw it coming. The same with the Vaxx. I'm not an immunologist, but taking an experimental vaxx, with shady mRNA technology that shortened the life of the lab animals...no.
Some people just "see" things and have organic, analytic skills.
What you and Michael Yon are warning about is probably going to happen to some degree, in the least.
Would Covid/KungFlu be a human buffalo jump event more recent than Smyrna? Death spread out far more than falling off of a cliff, but the fear mongering & channeling of people looks pretty much the same.