When I first read this years ago, I agreed with Matt's wife -- "Mister Worst Case Scenario". Similar to my response to *Enemies Foreign and Domestic* -- great story but it'll never happen. My, my. How times have changed 😕
Now, it's clear that the contents of this essay are not only plausible and possible, they are likely. More than that, these scenarios are virtually guaranteed, at least in some areas.
The rare times I'm compelled to be on the highways, I am conscious of the risk of being caught in a protest-related shutdown, like happened in the Golden Gate recently. Holy smokes, if that wasn't a fatal funnel risk, I don't know what is. A handful of useful idiot climate zombies standing in the road, with a couple armed 3-man teams, and that bridge could have had thousands of casualties ... fish in a barrel ... In just minutes.
I'm just a hillbilly farmer, and if I can think of it, so can the hardened troublemakers out there. "There will be shocks", says the Eat-The-Bugs guy. Wonder how he knows?
True, almost all of these warnings by Right Wing Traditionalists have some basis and WILL MOST LIKELY happen at some point in time. Unless the forecaster has a “crystal ball” or some mystical connection to the future or access to secret and privileged information I and others don’t have, they should not be stating what, how, why and when as an absolute. Many do so because of self-generated hysteria that overwhelms them and or their predicted time becomes a purposeful attention getter to promote their forecast.
One exception in “forecasting” is Matthew Bracken. Look him up on the internet and read his books that I believe predict what will happen in America. Aside from encouraging me not to quit writing and mentoring me, Matt is a true Foreteller. He researches backwards and then projects forward what he believes will occur.
Like an airplane pilot plotting where he was, where he is now… so, with corrections, what he has to do to get to where he’s going or without corrections, he knows where he’ll end up. He has generally been correct and his predictions and information are the best I’ve seen and read. I don’t recommend him because he mentored me on writing… read his works and you will see why Matt Bracken is exceptional at forecasting.
Go to www.EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com and start by buying and reading his “Trilogy Series.” Earth shaking parallels to what’s happening now… written 25 years ago.
In one case, through a connection I had with French DGSE (French Secret Service/French Intelligence through the late Special Forces Green Beret Legend Colonel Sully H. deFontaine, of the book I wrote from his memoirs “The Slavers Wheel”), I believe Matt Bracken’s writing prevented the “European Tet Offensive,” just from Matt publishing an essay on it just prior to its execution and Colonel deFontaine talking to his family member about it, who was at the time the Assistant Director of DGSE. Matt and Sully probably saved thousands of lives from widespread massacre by Muslim Extremists.
Within a month, Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) was widely disseminating his essay, barely rewritten, as if it was a warning originated by them. Quietly, many arrests were made across Europe and huge arms caches seized. It was speculated most of the participants went underground or fled Europe. Matt’s information simply came from him not sitting on his thumbs like Interpol but analyzing the news and public information. Who knows… maybe the man is clairvoyant?
“My ‘Escape Pod’ …Matt Bracken books. An escape better than any drug or drink… they transport me to another world.” Jack Lawson
Jack Lawson
Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.” Go to www.CivilDefenseManual.com
“When an animal calls out a warning of danger, unseen to other animals, the others don’t question the motive as their instincts are still intact. When a human warns other humans, because precursors of issues that have repeatedly caused Mankind great harm and suffering throughout history are evident again, they laugh and call him a conspiracy theorist, because their instincts have been rendered useless.”
“Any species that does not have the instinct of survival, that cannot or will not defend themselves, is doomed to extinction… as time has shown.” Author Jack Lawson
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79
I lived the 12th Street, Detroit 1967. My father was Detroit Fireman and my uncles were Detroit PD. "Quell"? You're on your own no one is coming to save you.
ROEs be dammed Cocked and Locked Ready to Rock! I was in 7th infantry when we were deployed to the L.A Rodney King riots! My advice to those who will listen leave Blue states and cities now! Do no not live near any community in a Red state with more than 10k people! Network with people of the same values! Gain a valuable skill set example Ham radio,EMT, Gardening,learn to speak spanish, learn to can food,Have a faith in God youll need it as you will lose faith in mankind! Arm up with pistol battle rifle and long range rifles and get training to be proficient in their use ! Buenas Suerte and Vio con dios!
my wife and i don't even talk about these scenarios. she's a European, and thinks everything is just whatever the MSM tells her. same with her friends over in the home country, except now, they're slipping into deep stuff. my attitude is, i'll let her find out on her own. that will save me the consternation and accusations.
for years, she has criticized my prepping as hoarding! "we'll never need all that stuff!" at least she puts up with it by allowing me space in our basement shelving which also happens to hold a fair amount of rapid expendables. used to visit Western Rifle Shooters.
I think you have a good balance. You can't force her to think like a prepper, she'll sure be glad you have the stuff when you need it! Don't forget a case of Dial Gold antibacterial soap. This is what you are told to wash with the night before surgery. It's especially valuable when water is in short supply and hygiene and wound cleaning are difficult.
Just make sure she doesn’t blab to others about you having supplies. Considering she doesn’t take it seriously. All it takes is another local remembering you stockpile food after the wife lets it slip in casual conversation.
Very likely. Good writing! I've always thought that with so much of this decline being engineered by the bankerfolk at the top wanting to do something like a great reset, for a more fascist totalitarian future, that opening up the prisons would be a nice touch they would add, to try to quickly make us beg for martial law... Keep yer powder dry! An old hippie friend once told me that when he went to France in the late 60s avoiding Vietnam, that the French still mentioned quite frequently "the American eye" referring to our historical fame as excellent marksmen. Hopefully all the good gun owners will be able to help keep the peace when the shit hits the fan. Good luck!
Its looking more and more that there is already an expectation of this scenario from the government, what with them trying out national guards on the new york subway.
A bunch of nat-guard with automatic weapons might be an effective deterrent against this sort of spiral. Whether they shoot to kill is up in the air though.
However, if a bunch of motorists get plastered against the pavement by the local wildlife, that’d probably be enough to justify shoot to kill orders.
Now would the local or even state govs be okay with such orders? Probably not at first, but if the riots get completely out of control and start spreading I could forsee a panicking state governor, worried about his own safety down the line, okaying it.
A hundred rioters shot to death would take wind out of their sails. Assuming it happens before things go terminal. It would be bad but its possible the government could reassert control.
The news could then play damage control for a while and replay dead rioters over and over to discourage more from getting ideas.
Excellent analysis of probable outcomes that can be sparked by something as simple as a failure in the power grid. The same thing occurred to me when the national debt was at 15 trillion and climbing. If these people will trample others to death for a TV on Black Friday - that they have to pay for - what are they capable of when their EBT doesn't work? It's one of the reasons we purchased as much land as possible and moved away from the populated areas. Here's hoping they get our system sorted out before it implodes, so we don't have to find out how bad things can get.
When I first read this years ago, I agreed with Matt's wife -- "Mister Worst Case Scenario". Similar to my response to *Enemies Foreign and Domestic* -- great story but it'll never happen. My, my. How times have changed 😕
Now, it's clear that the contents of this essay are not only plausible and possible, they are likely. More than that, these scenarios are virtually guaranteed, at least in some areas.
The rare times I'm compelled to be on the highways, I am conscious of the risk of being caught in a protest-related shutdown, like happened in the Golden Gate recently. Holy smokes, if that wasn't a fatal funnel risk, I don't know what is. A handful of useful idiot climate zombies standing in the road, with a couple armed 3-man teams, and that bridge could have had thousands of casualties ... fish in a barrel ... In just minutes.
I'm just a hillbilly farmer, and if I can think of it, so can the hardened troublemakers out there. "There will be shocks", says the Eat-The-Bugs guy. Wonder how he knows?
He helps finance it.
True, almost all of these warnings by Right Wing Traditionalists have some basis and WILL MOST LIKELY happen at some point in time. Unless the forecaster has a “crystal ball” or some mystical connection to the future or access to secret and privileged information I and others don’t have, they should not be stating what, how, why and when as an absolute. Many do so because of self-generated hysteria that overwhelms them and or their predicted time becomes a purposeful attention getter to promote their forecast.
One exception in “forecasting” is Matthew Bracken. Look him up on the internet and read his books that I believe predict what will happen in America. Aside from encouraging me not to quit writing and mentoring me, Matt is a true Foreteller. He researches backwards and then projects forward what he believes will occur.
Like an airplane pilot plotting where he was, where he is now… so, with corrections, what he has to do to get to where he’s going or without corrections, he knows where he’ll end up. He has generally been correct and his predictions and information are the best I’ve seen and read. I don’t recommend him because he mentored me on writing… read his works and you will see why Matt Bracken is exceptional at forecasting.
Go to www.EnemiesForeignAndDomestic.com and start by buying and reading his “Trilogy Series.” Earth shaking parallels to what’s happening now… written 25 years ago.
In one case, through a connection I had with French DGSE (French Secret Service/French Intelligence through the late Special Forces Green Beret Legend Colonel Sully H. deFontaine, of the book I wrote from his memoirs “The Slavers Wheel”), I believe Matt Bracken’s writing prevented the “European Tet Offensive,” just from Matt publishing an essay on it just prior to its execution and Colonel deFontaine talking to his family member about it, who was at the time the Assistant Director of DGSE. Matt and Sully probably saved thousands of lives from widespread massacre by Muslim Extremists.
Within a month, Interpol (the International Criminal Police Organization) was widely disseminating his essay, barely rewritten, as if it was a warning originated by them. Quietly, many arrests were made across Europe and huge arms caches seized. It was speculated most of the participants went underground or fled Europe. Matt’s information simply came from him not sitting on his thumbs like Interpol but analyzing the news and public information. Who knows… maybe the man is clairvoyant?
“My ‘Escape Pod’ …Matt Bracken books. An escape better than any drug or drink… they transport me to another world.” Jack Lawson
Jack Lawson
Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.” Go to www.CivilDefenseManual.com
“When an animal calls out a warning of danger, unseen to other animals, the others don’t question the motive as their instincts are still intact. When a human warns other humans, because precursors of issues that have repeatedly caused Mankind great harm and suffering throughout history are evident again, they laugh and call him a conspiracy theorist, because their instincts have been rendered useless.”
“Any species that does not have the instinct of survival, that cannot or will not defend themselves, is doomed to extinction… as time has shown.” Author Jack Lawson
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79
I've posted and emailed this article many, many times over the past few years.
Brutal wake up call, but very likely scenario of how things will play out.
I've been saying for year that the urban food riots would be the flash point. Thanks for explaining so much better than I ever could.
Thanks. I hope I'm wrong.
Very interesting; I like where your head is at!
Read one of these in 2014 under what I imagine is a pseudonym , people thought I was nuts then, not so much now.
Was a good read then and even more relevant now.
I lived the 12th Street, Detroit 1967. My father was Detroit Fireman and my uncles were Detroit PD. "Quell"? You're on your own no one is coming to save you.
ROEs be dammed Cocked and Locked Ready to Rock! I was in 7th infantry when we were deployed to the L.A Rodney King riots! My advice to those who will listen leave Blue states and cities now! Do no not live near any community in a Red state with more than 10k people! Network with people of the same values! Gain a valuable skill set example Ham radio,EMT, Gardening,learn to speak spanish, learn to can food,Have a faith in God youll need it as you will lose faith in mankind! Arm up with pistol battle rifle and long range rifles and get training to be proficient in their use ! Buenas Suerte and Vio con dios!
my wife and i don't even talk about these scenarios. she's a European, and thinks everything is just whatever the MSM tells her. same with her friends over in the home country, except now, they're slipping into deep stuff. my attitude is, i'll let her find out on her own. that will save me the consternation and accusations.
for years, she has criticized my prepping as hoarding! "we'll never need all that stuff!" at least she puts up with it by allowing me space in our basement shelving which also happens to hold a fair amount of rapid expendables. used to visit Western Rifle Shooters.
I think you have a good balance. You can't force her to think like a prepper, she'll sure be glad you have the stuff when you need it! Don't forget a case of Dial Gold antibacterial soap. This is what you are told to wash with the night before surgery. It's especially valuable when water is in short supply and hygiene and wound cleaning are difficult.
Just make sure she doesn’t blab to others about you having supplies. Considering she doesn’t take it seriously. All it takes is another local remembering you stockpile food after the wife lets it slip in casual conversation.
Assuming it wasn’t the plan for the last 80 years, some government will eventually nuke the United States out of pure disgust.
They will die at the end of my driveway.
Very likely. Good writing! I've always thought that with so much of this decline being engineered by the bankerfolk at the top wanting to do something like a great reset, for a more fascist totalitarian future, that opening up the prisons would be a nice touch they would add, to try to quickly make us beg for martial law... Keep yer powder dry! An old hippie friend once told me that when he went to France in the late 60s avoiding Vietnam, that the French still mentioned quite frequently "the American eye" referring to our historical fame as excellent marksmen. Hopefully all the good gun owners will be able to help keep the peace when the shit hits the fan. Good luck!
Its looking more and more that there is already an expectation of this scenario from the government, what with them trying out national guards on the new york subway.
A bunch of nat-guard with automatic weapons might be an effective deterrent against this sort of spiral. Whether they shoot to kill is up in the air though.
However, if a bunch of motorists get plastered against the pavement by the local wildlife, that’d probably be enough to justify shoot to kill orders.
Now would the local or even state govs be okay with such orders? Probably not at first, but if the riots get completely out of control and start spreading I could forsee a panicking state governor, worried about his own safety down the line, okaying it.
A hundred rioters shot to death would take wind out of their sails. Assuming it happens before things go terminal. It would be bad but its possible the government could reassert control.
The news could then play damage control for a while and replay dead rioters over and over to discourage more from getting ideas.
Excellent analysis of probable outcomes that can be sparked by something as simple as a failure in the power grid. The same thing occurred to me when the national debt was at 15 trillion and climbing. If these people will trample others to death for a TV on Black Friday - that they have to pay for - what are they capable of when their EBT doesn't work? It's one of the reasons we purchased as much land as possible and moved away from the populated areas. Here's hoping they get our system sorted out before it implodes, so we don't have to find out how bad things can get.
Exceptional America owners are just itching for a social outburst of chaos and mayhem. Never let a good opportunity go to waste. Classic Dialectics.