Aug 31Liked by Matt Bracken

Thanks to Greg Ellifritz, I have found you again. Ordered your new book and as always will monitor Substack for a while before deciding about subscription.

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I'm putting all of my substack pieces in "free." No charge, no fee, all gratis.

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An awesome treasure, given by a great patriot! Thank you, Matt!

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Thank you, that's why I write.

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There is an old Chinese story concerning a young martial artist learning from a master. While training the master talks frequently about peace, how important it is and his love for it. The young man asks his master this question; “We train constantly for war, but you speak constantly of peace. Why is that?” The master replies; “It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

Well, yes it is, but so what? I think the founding fathers took this lesson to heart, whether or not they had heard the actual Chinese tale. One may maintain that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is basically a law that provides for the populace of the U.S. to be warriors in a garden. We should be, thanks to the Second Amendment, if not exactly highly trained warriors, at least partially trained. That may not sound like much but it is many times better than being untrained and unarmed..


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"Race hustlers of every stripe should be condemned."

Well, race is at the base of the problem; were there no blacks, browns, yellows and most importantly jews - who promote/instigate the race problem anyway - extant and powerful in the land, we wouldnt be having this problem, or at least nearly as badly. [and dont start on Ireland - that is a political contest of communist vs non communist and yes, the jew is behind that too. Fact]

This 'societal breakdown' is a racial issue as well as political. Your skin is your uniform. period.

The author forgets one huge thing tho - the damnedredchinese. Not only are they everywhere and a million or so parked outside each border, but their (((handlers))) just have them waiting for 'society' to break down so they can swoop in and take it all. They openly admit to already having the US divided up into sections and have plans for the disposal of the citizenry and takeover of everything. White people are there main targets - first, they know that historically, White folk have been the only bulwark against totalitarianism / one world government and are the only group that seem to be able to conceive of individual liberty. Secondly, the jew has been grooming them for decades to hate us and exposing our weaknesses like our natural openess and altruism.

The chinese are the most ruthless and violent creatures on this earth - notice I did not say 'people'. They are mindless, tho not necessarily stupid, have no concept of good or evil - except that lying and evil come naturally - and are pliable, completely deferent to declared authority and place no value on human life. They are the perfect talmudic slaves. THEY are going to be the biggest problem.

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Thinking like that would guarantee every dystopian possibility Matt warns against. You are mostly correct about China and the danger they represent. Looking at skin opposed to the content of character will allow enemies like China to have fissures within us to pry apart. Race hustlers are America's biggest internal enemy and I include Obama, Oprah and Hoass among them along with the Congressional "Democrats Only" Black Caucus.

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Thinking like you do when no race but Whites does so guarantees that there won't be any White people or Western Civ in 100 years. The only people who respond to "let's all come together against the elites!" are Whites. The rest are all lined up to take our stuff and blame us for making them take it.

Tribe up White man, everyone else has.

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And then a year later the cops and feds arrive to arrest every White person seen on video near a rifle, or whose cell phone data puts them near a rifle.

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The CCP, PRC and Russia , with drug shipments and social media disinformation are helping to add to the growing disfunction in US cities. The Democrat run cities with tacit permission to deal and use hard drugs in the open also helps.

The added 10+ million immigrants from third world in past 4 years also adds. All that is necessary is a black swan event,accidental or purposely to begin a firestorm.

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Have you heard about the Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Aurora, CO? Apparently the cops aren't doing anything about it so the Hell's Angels are heading in to clean house! You're hypothetical scenario is literally playing out in real time!

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There is a very good possibility of more MAGA terrorism when Trump loses again.

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"...more MAGA terrorism..."

Really? Please cite examples.

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More mass shootings, more attacks on FBI and law enforcement, more attacks on federal buildings and assassination attempts. MAGA are preparing for a race war. Eg., https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/arizona-man-planned-mass-shooting-targeting-african-americans-atlanta-rcna156735. ..I see no reason why Trump supporters will stand down and stop their violent acts.

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LOL, NBC News? Seriously?

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Hahaha I cannot believe somebody would actually say that out loud. MAGA are literally THE most peaceful movement ever. But if your only source of info is MSM, then obviously you don't have your own opinions, you regurgitate lies.

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I see you can't answer the question, but must hurl more silly ad hominems. Sigh ...

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Sorry Beth, that reply was NOT directed at you. I value your input.

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I’m seeking advice on self-defense weaponry. I’m a little old lady, five feet tall, with failing eye sight. There’s no one to protect me. I don’t own a handgun, because I assume it would just be taken from me in a conflict. So, any advice on a hand gun - or wrist-strap device for a gun - that would work best for my self-defense? Thanks!

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I would in fact purchase a handgun. Specifically a revolver, because the "learning curve" is much shorter. With pistols, you must load the magazine, then insert it into the pistol and pull the slide back to chamber a round and make it ready to shoot. With a pistol, you just put five or six (depending on the model) cartridges aka bullets into the cylinder, close the cylinder, and it's all set. Nothing to remember about "Is a round chambered?" etc.

This video is by a very well known "You Tuber" named Hickock45 who tests all kinds of guns on his private range. In this video he's shooting small 38 caliber revolvers. The "bodyguard" model has the hammer shrouded so that it won't snag if you were firing it from inside a purse or a coat pocket for example. I don't think that's critical, but any of these small 38s would suit you well.

The smaller and lighter a handgun is for a given caliber the more "felt recoil" it will have. If you only want a handgun for home defense, a somewhat larger revolver would have less "kick" in your hand. If you watch this video you'll have a good sense of what revolvers are all about.

S&W 638 Bodyguard .38 Special / hickok45


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Thank you so much, Matt! I will definitely check out this YouTube.

This is kinda funny, but the only gun I have is a 1850 (yes, pre-Civil War!) muzzleloader. I figure if someone is trying to break into my house in the middle of the night I can point the barrel of the gun up against the window you he can see it. I’m hoping that in the dark he will just see a threatening gun barrel and run away. Maybe later he’ll think, wait, what the hell kind of gun was that?

But now I need to get serious about protecting myself, as it would take me a few full minutes to load that ancient muzzleloader. - assuming it would still fire. A revolver it is - thanks again for your advice!

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If you go to any fairly large gun store and speak to one of the more, ah, mature workers there, they will be more than happy to explain everything and let you try out a few revolvers. A nice thing about revolvers is you can practice by "dry firing" them empty. Find a revolver that feels right, and that you can shoot "double action" easily. This means just pulling the trigger, "double action," as opposed to cocking the hammer first and firing "single action." The folks at any gun store will be more than happy to guide you.

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