All about plausible deniability.

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Your analysis reads spot-on. I wonder how the other kids in that BR commercial are doing these days ...

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A talent spotter might only find a real prospect a few times a year. If they send up too many names that fail to meet standards, their value will decrease. They'll only send up outstanding candidates. But there are many, many talent spotters on the periphery of spook world.

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It always strikes me as odd that all pictures of Crooks in current writings are of him as a pimply-faced “baby” taken years earlier and not as the long-haired, disheveled, odd looking “not a baby” picture taken recently

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Your essay brings up the question, does Blackrock have it’s own private army, complete with spooks?

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I'd say yes, but it is intentionally kept gray and murky.

Who is a "former" spook or specops soldier, now sheepdipped over as a "civilian?"

Yes, sure all giant corporations have their own bodyguards, pilots, planes, and "quick reaction forces" to resolve kidnappings etc. But where the line is between spook and "former" spooks is undefined. And "former" spools move back and forth from active to "former" status.

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I was wondering if it was all a Blackrock operation, as distinct from gov, if there is a difference.

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Perhaps Trump declassifying & fully opening up the files of JFK, Bobby K & MLK might just lead to and provide an ongoing thread that brings light to more recent actors & accomplices…. One can only hope so🤞

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Problem with #2 is it plays along with Predictive Programming Psyop heating up for us on Feeb/Langley front burner.

Worry-About-Crazies-Civil-War-Coming-Roadkill Chili.

EM Burlingame detailed this on Coffee w/Mike yesterday.


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Hey Matt,

Hope you are well. Been hanging off Gab now for a bit. I need to go back and listen to the rest of the interview. The lack of knowledge/curiosity of the shooter says all one needs to know.

I’ll give you an idea Matt. If you beat me to it then it’s yours. One of us should write an alternate or alternative history (not sure correct term) about what happened after the bullet in Butler hit it’s mark.

We may be already, time will tell but had Trump got clipped we would have been FUCKED! Our chances wouldn’t bode well. Lol am done listening to the LARPERS talk about CW. That’s exactly what I mean when I say Fucked.

CW/Collapse would have been the best thing that could’ve happened at that point. Fantastic, now 75% of the country is dead within a year. Ruled by brutal men until the Mexican army/cartels come rolling in after we killed enough of ourselves off sir. Eventually the Chinese would no doubt envelop us.

We cannot afford for that (CW/collapse) to happen for all the reasons I just listed.


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I lean more into #2. Lone wolf activated by on line places and the media. We have seen plenty of that from terrorists so why not assassins. Can't completely discount 1 or 3 though.

As to MLK, everyone thinks is was the KKK or some such. But paid killers are not their style. They would do it themselves. So unless Ray was a complete patsy like the guy in your first book, it was someone else. I can't figure a motive for a government agency. Consider that what King was doing in Memphis was supporting a strike by garbage workers. That whole industry is Mafia and they do use contract killers.

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No mention of option 5 kayfabe? Lame

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Problem with Kayfabe Theory is kayfabe is omnipresent.

California Burning. Maui Pow-Wow. Asheville Hullabaloo. .. pick any war. .. any political dynasty

CJ Hopkins sums it up nicely as we're living in a kayfabe construction:


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"Everything is kayfabe" is also kayfabe. The truth can be known

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