Given that we are talking about the 60s and 70s which was the height of the Paul Ehrlich lunacy, I wouldn't be surprised if this were done to Danes too. Socialist country and all that. Forced permanent sterilization was and is a thing in many countries including the US.
Best solution is to have Greenland declare independence unilaterally with the US in the background promising to replace the subsidies from Denmark and warning Denmark not to try to retake the place (Monroe doctrine). Then we negotiate with the Greenlanders about whatever form of affiliation works for both parties.
Trump should up the ante and include Denmark in the Greenland purchase price. The general Danish population likely would approve in order to avoid the creeping web of communism.
Oh, the horror of Americanism pales when compared to what the Europeans have done and will do. Forced sterilization by Globalist thinking morons just like their Covid Clot Shot disruption of Christian Americans.
My Mother-In-Law has now had both legs amputated from the Clot Shot and probably has little time left.
Get Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal and then Cuba into the United States. Then stop all these bullshytte wars we get involved with around the world shedding railroad tank cars of young American's blood and railroad boxcars full of bodies. All for the power clique Globalists.
Jack Lawson
Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?” - Gandhi
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Jack. I can't even imagine how angry and heartbroken you must be!
We need to bring back the British penalty for High Treason for certain crimes ... Hang, draw, and quarter, in public. Start with Fauci, along with confiscation of all worldly goods, to either compensate the victims, or pay down our debt.
I think the unwanted and forced birth control they experienced is as bad as the virus which were placed in our "vaccines" during the same time period and beyond.
I try to stay on top of all the population-reduction strategies and how they are done, but I hadn't heard about the Inuit IUD thing. That's horrific -- especially when the same planners want native groups venerated and treated like holy relics. The hypocrisy is staggering.
Matt - -As usual, this report is very well written.
I suspect The Greenlanders (“G-landers”) would want Cimminwealth status like Puerto Rico. That way they get US support, dollars, but do not pay federal income tax. Their businesses get special tax status and they have atonomy over most other guvamint functions.
I agree. We can offer them a range of status offers. They only have 1/3 the population of Guam, for a thousand times the natural resources, and an equally strategic location.
Another thing about the Norse stuff is that Norway and Iceland have a better historical claim to Greenland that Denmark does. Those Vikings were Norwegian and Icelandic Vikings, not Danish ones.
Great article! The atrocities committed on the people of Greenland is something I’ve never heard about before now. I’m an avid reader, so I’m pretty sure that I’d have seen it somewhere. That alone would be enough for many people to vote to cut their ties with the Denmark.
So I spoke to some of my Danish European friends. Apparently this was a misguided effort to stop the natives from giving birth to their siblings. Yes, you heard that right. In the interest of stopping incest babies, they sterilized the rape victims instead of stopping their fathers and brothers from raping them.
Thank you for this piece. Never knew the history, and frankly wouldn’t have cared until Trump stirred the recent kerfuffle. Seems like it would be a very strategic acquisition to the benefit of the USA and Greenland. I can’t say I’ve any reason to even think about Denmark’s interests.
Given that we are talking about the 60s and 70s which was the height of the Paul Ehrlich lunacy, I wouldn't be surprised if this were done to Danes too. Socialist country and all that. Forced permanent sterilization was and is a thing in many countries including the US.
Best solution is to have Greenland declare independence unilaterally with the US in the background promising to replace the subsidies from Denmark and warning Denmark not to try to retake the place (Monroe doctrine). Then we negotiate with the Greenlanders about whatever form of affiliation works for both parties.
Trump should up the ante and include Denmark in the Greenland purchase price. The general Danish population likely would approve in order to avoid the creeping web of communism.
Plus Danish women are scorching hot.
Yes, their REAL women. No substitutes accepted.
💯…not the shitskin invaders
Oh, the horror of Americanism pales when compared to what the Europeans have done and will do. Forced sterilization by Globalist thinking morons just like their Covid Clot Shot disruption of Christian Americans.
My Mother-In-Law has now had both legs amputated from the Clot Shot and probably has little time left.
Get Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal and then Cuba into the United States. Then stop all these bullshytte wars we get involved with around the world shedding railroad tank cars of young American's blood and railroad boxcars full of bodies. All for the power clique Globalists.
Jack Lawson
Member, Sully H. deFontaine Special Forces Association Chapter 51, Las Vegas, Nevada
Author of the “Civil Defense Manual,” “The Slaver’s Wheel,” “A Failure of Civility,” “And We Hide From The Devil” and “In Defense.” Go to and
“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?” - Gandhi
From Jack Lawson… an American in 1RLI Support Commando and attached to Rhodesian “C Squadron” SAS Africa 1976-79
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Jack. I can't even imagine how angry and heartbroken you must be!
We need to bring back the British penalty for High Treason for certain crimes ... Hang, draw, and quarter, in public. Start with Fauci, along with confiscation of all worldly goods, to either compensate the victims, or pay down our debt.
Outstanding work Matt!!! Thank you!!!
I think the unwanted and forced birth control they experienced is as bad as the virus which were placed in our "vaccines" during the same time period and beyond.
Thanks Matt! This article was epic. Let's buy it and set up some resorts.
I agree!
Great place for aurora-watching! Could be big $$$ for a smart entrepreneur 😄
I wonder if the Inuit people have been subjected to the mRNA genocide? Or were they able to avoid it?
I've read Greenland would be perfect for Stargate's data centers since cooling would not be a big issue.
GR8 work, Matt.
Thx for all the facts and insight. Will pass it on my mail chain. Regards from the
North Rocky Mountains UssA.
Thanks. I sure wish Don Jr would see it. He's on top of the Greenland Project.
I try to stay on top of all the population-reduction strategies and how they are done, but I hadn't heard about the Inuit IUD thing. That's horrific -- especially when the same planners want native groups venerated and treated like holy relics. The hypocrisy is staggering.
Thanks for the history lesson, Matt. I feel much better informed now about Greenland, in all respects.
Or maybe we'll just give them a vaccination.
Matt - -As usual, this report is very well written.
I suspect The Greenlanders (“G-landers”) would want Cimminwealth status like Puerto Rico. That way they get US support, dollars, but do not pay federal income tax. Their businesses get special tax status and they have atonomy over most other guvamint functions.
I agree. We can offer them a range of status offers. They only have 1/3 the population of Guam, for a thousand times the natural resources, and an equally strategic location.
Great History Lesson!!
Another thing about the Norse stuff is that Norway and Iceland have a better historical claim to Greenland that Denmark does. Those Vikings were Norwegian and Icelandic Vikings, not Danish ones.
Great article! The atrocities committed on the people of Greenland is something I’ve never heard about before now. I’m an avid reader, so I’m pretty sure that I’d have seen it somewhere. That alone would be enough for many people to vote to cut their ties with the Denmark.
So I spoke to some of my Danish European friends. Apparently this was a misguided effort to stop the natives from giving birth to their siblings. Yes, you heard that right. In the interest of stopping incest babies, they sterilized the rape victims instead of stopping their fathers and brothers from raping them.
Are you sure this just wasn’t the cabal’s cover story? They (and their intelligence agencies) are masters at this, along with taking out loose ends.
Thank you for this piece. Never knew the history, and frankly wouldn’t have cared until Trump stirred the recent kerfuffle. Seems like it would be a very strategic acquisition to the benefit of the USA and Greenland. I can’t say I’ve any reason to even think about Denmark’s interests.