This has got me wondering if CW2 may be between American citizens and illegals as much as it is between red rural areas and blue cities? I'm sure most leftists would prefer to leave the actual fighting to swarthy young men with little to lose and lots to gain.

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To update this, Europe has a choice between being part of the Caliphate or being part of the Russian Empire. They appear to be making the wrong choice. Probably because the foolish Americans will fight the latter for them but not the former.

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Some Disjointed Thoughts on War

During the war in Vietnam an idea was often floated around in what could pass for the predecessor of the blogosphere. It went like this: “What if they gave a war and nobody came?” The implicit assumption is that of course wars only occur because people are forced into it by the powerful, so if everyone just wouldn't participate world peace would reign. (And of course at the time it was an admonition toward anyone who might be against the good-hearted Communists who were busily saving the world from freedom.) https://drp314.substack.com/p/some-disjointed-thoughts-on-war

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Very interesting, thanks. Re-sharing.

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